The mode which provides uniform gluing of details. Depends on the temperature.
Furniture glue is an essential ingredient for manufacturing and repairing furniture. The «Rost» company offers adhesives for various needs:
• adhesive sealant;
• dispersion glue;
• hotmelt glue;
• assembly glue.
The adhesive sealant is easy to use, attaches well to most surfaces, forms a strong, water-resistant seam.
Dispersion adhesive — ready-to-use adhesive mixture can be used in a wide range of operating temperatures: from –30 to + 90 ° C.
Hotmelt glue is the most common in furniture production. It makes a good showing of consistency, fast adhesion, maximum bonding strength.
Assembly glue is a multi-purpose adhesive for fixing heavy-duty structures without an additional fixture. Compatible with a variety of materials. It starts to work immediately.